

建物は典雅で威風堂々とした中国福州式。屋根を空に跳ね上げた門の前に立つだけで、格式と歴史の重みに慄然と。周囲1キロ。故宮を思わせる屋根の波が、奥へ奥へと続いている。門扉の内には清朝の絢爛な中華世界が今も息づく。回廊が巡る「大花廳 」の中心には、富貴の象徴・牡丹の天井を掲げた舞台。精緻な黒檀や紫檀の彫刻、虹を放つ螺鈿に彩られた一族の間も麗しく、過去気配に満ちる。1746年、林家初代当主は中国大陸から台湾へ。そこから始まる林家の軌跡は、台湾の歴史に添う。屋敷は子孫に守られ、波乱の時代を潜り抜けてきたのだ。「この屋敷は台湾の壮麗な史詩なのです」と、9代目林家当主は愛おしそうに屋敷を見渡した。

Basic introduction of the park

The Wufeng Lin family is one of Taiwan's Five Major Families. The founder of Lin family crossed the strait and settled in Taiwan in 1746. His descendant, Lin Wen Cha, was the commander of Fijian Province's army during the Qing Dynasty. To commemorate Lin's bravery spirit in the war, the Tongzhi Emperor conferred him the title "Junior Guardian of the Crown Prince" and rewarded his residence the name "Gong-Bao-Di" posthumously. Gong-Bao-Di is the only remaining Qing-era first class official residence in Taiwan. And the Grand Flower Hall served as a banquet hall for receiving and entertaining guests. There is a large elaborate theatrical stage in the interior. Nowadays, Gong-Bao-Di and the Grand Flower Hall are listed as a national cultural monument.

Visit Information

住所 : 台中市霧峰區本堂里民生路26號
営業時間:月曜日-日曜日9時~17時(最終入園16時)。 昼休み時間/土日祝除く平日12:00-13:00
E-mail: wufenglins53624770@gmail.com

Address: No.26, Minsheng Rd., Wufeng Dist., Taichung City 413
Telephone: +886-4-2331-7985
Opening Hours:Mon-Sun 09:00-17:00 (Ticket sales time last to 16:00) (Breaktime: weekday 12:00-13:00)
Tickets: Adult Tickets: NT$250
E-mail: wufenglins53624770@gmail.com
※For more information of booking English guided tour, please contact us.

Admission Notice

1. The park has insured public accident liability insurance for tourists.
2. The height difference of the ground in the historic site space is large. To maintain the safety of visitors, please follow the instructions and guidance of the staff.
3. Do not smoke when entering the park.
4. It is forbidden to climb, damage, steal flowers and trees, or damage lawns or facilities.
5. It is forbidden to bring animals, domestic animals or other pets and enter the park without placing them in pet cages or carts (except guide dogs).
6. Other behaviors determined by the park to interfere with management, if they do not listen to persuasion to stop or drive away, they will be reported to the police or other relevant agencies for handling.